REsearch design

Working with your organization or community, I help to understand the precise research question you want to ask or issue you want to address. I use a variety of methods:

  • interviews
  • focus groups
  • background research
  • scholarly literature reviews
  • statistical analysis
  • questionnaire development
  • evaluation processes
  • data management
  • reports and presentations
  • community feedback
  • mentoring community researchers

MEthodological expertise

I am trained in social science research methodologies. This includes qualitative and quantitative approaches.


  • coding interview data to pull out themes and draw conclusions
  • comparative studies of different communities facing similar circumstances
  • fs/QCA method, involving intensive knowledge of the data and organizing it for statistical analysis
  • creating interview scripts and conducting interviews


  • regression analysis (OLS, probit, logit)
  • basic descriptive statistical analysis (bar graphs, box plots), comparisons of means and variance (q test, t test, ANOVA)
  • tools: Stata SE and Excel
  • large dataset management, data cleaning, processing, and import into software packages